
  Group leader – Prof. eng. Dorin PETREUȘ, PhD – is currently a full Professor at the Applied Electronics (EA) Department from the Electronics, Telecommunications and Information Technology Faculty (ETTI) of the Technical University of Cluj-Napoca (TUCN). His current teaching activities include:
Power Supplies (year IV, EA)
Energy Conversion and Advanced Power Supplies (master, year I, IE)
Microcontrollers (year III, EA)
26 – 28 George Barițiu street, building B, room M3
Lect. eng. Toma PĂTĂRĂU, PhD – He is currently assistant professor at TUCN. His current teaching activities include Power Electronics course at bachelor level and Electrical Energy Conversion at Renewable Energy master level.
His current teaching activities include:
– Power electonics (an III, EA)
– Conversia energiei electrice (master level)
15 C-tin Daicoviciu street, room 481
  Lect. eng. Enikő SZILÁGYI, PhD –  She is currently lecturer at TUCN.
15 C-tin Daicoviciu street, room 481
Lect. eng.  Radu ETZ, PhD – He is currently assistant professor at TUCN. His current teaching activities include Electronic Control Theory course at bachelor level.
15 C-tin Daicoviciu street, room 481

List of Ph.D. Holder Persons

1. Ferencz Izsak Ferdinand
2. Petri Ana-Maria
3. Ignat (Ignat-Balaci) Andreea
4. Gherman Tudor
5. Filip Dan Sebastian
6. Lazar Eniko (căs.Szilagyi)
7. Orian Alexandru-Cristian
8. Sabou Sebastian Petru
9. Orha Ioan
10. Dărăban Ștefan Romulus
11. Ciocan Ionuț Cătălin
12. Lung Claudiu Ionel
13. Pătărău Toma Mihai
14. Etz Radu
15. Rusu Adina Ramona
16. Cadar Dorin Vasile

Ph.D. Student

drd. ing. Flutur Alexandru
drd. ing. Giurgiu Andreea
drd. ing. Nica Ana-Maria
drd. ing. Ardelean Călin-Petru
drd. ing. Olteanu Mirela
drd. ing. Sârbu Nicolae Alexandru
drd. ing. Cadar Sergiu
drd. ing. Fărcaș Ciprian
drd. ing. Hodiș Sergiu
drd. ing. Voicu Ioan-Vladimir