
  1. Diploma of excellence and gold medal at Inventica 2019 for Radu Arsinte and Dorin Petreus Amplifier for bipolar current pulses, in hybrid bridge topology with symmetrical drive, Iasi, Romania.
  2. Diploma and bronze medal at Bangkok International Intellectual Property, Invention and Technology Exposition 2019 for Radu Arsinte and Dorin Petreus, Bipolar current pulse amplifier in hybrid bridge with symmetrical control.
  3. Diploma and silver medal at EuroInvent 2019 for Radu Arsinte and Dorin Petreus, Amplifier for bipolar current pulses, in hybrid bridge topology with symmetrical drive.
  4. Diploma of excellence and gold medal with special mention at Proinvent 2017, for the paper: D. Petreus, E. Plaian, A. Grama, E. Cordos, S. Cadar, Generator  de plasma de putere mica la presiune atmosferica (Low power plasma generator at atmospheric pressure).
  5. Diploma and gold medal at Infoinvent 2017, for the paper: D. Petreus, E. Plaian, A. Grama, E. Cordos, S. Cadar, Generator  de plasma de putere mica la presiune atmosferica (Low power plasma generator at atmospheric pressure).
  6. Diploma and gold medal at Inventica 2017, for the paper: D. Petreus, E. Cordos, A. Grama, S. Cadar, E. Plaian, Plasma Generator at Atmospheric Pressure and Low Power.
  7. Diploma and gold medal at the International Exhibition of Inventions and Innovations „Traian Vuia” Tmisoara, 2017, for the invention: D. Petreus, E. Plaian, A. Grama, E. Cordos, S. Cadar, Generator  de plasma de putere mica la presiune atmosferica (Low power plasma generator at atmospheric pressure).
  8. Diploma of excellence and gold medal at the International Exhibition of Inventions: Proinvent 2015, for the paper: D. Petreus, R. Etz, T. Patarau, T. Frentiu, E. Darvasi, S. Cadar, Metoda si dispozitiv electronic de control a temperaturii unui filament metalic prin masurare indirecta (Method and electronic device for temperature control of a metallic fillament through indirect measurement).
  9. Diploma of excellence and gold medal at the International Exhibition of Inventions: Proinvent 2015, for the paper: M. Suciu, E. Kiraly, E. Baru, M. Pascalau, D. Petreus, T. Patarau, R. Etz, Electrostimulator cu control digital pentru hidroterapie (Electrostimulator with digital control for hydrotherapy).
  10. Diploma of excellence from Moldavia Technical University 2015 for the paper: D. Petreus, R. Etz, T. Patarau, T. Frentiu, E. Darvasi, S. Cadar, Metoda si dispozitiv electronic de control a temperaturii unui filament metalic prin masurare indirecta (Method and electronic device for temperature control of a metallic fillament through indirect measurement).
  11. Gold medal at the International Exhibition of Inventions: European Exhibition of Creativity and Innovation – Euroinvent 2011, for the paper: D. Petreus, E. Cordos, A. Grama, S. Cadar, E. Plaian, Plasma Generator at Atmospheric Pressure and Low Power.
  12. Silver medal at the International Exhibition of Inventions: European Exhibition of Creativity and Innovation, Euroinvent 2011, for the paper: R. Arsinte, D. Petreus, Amplifier for bipolar current pulses, in hybrid bridge topology, with symmetrical drive.
  13. Gold medal at the International Exhibition of Inventions: Inventika 2011, for the paper: R. Arsinte, D. Petreus, Amplifier for bipolar current pulses, in hybrid bridge topology, with symmetrical drive.
  14. Silver medal at the International Exhibition of Inventions: Associoation of Polish Inventors and Rationalizers/Silver Medal at the 4th International Warsaw Invention Show, 2010, for: D. Petreus, E. Plaian, A. Grama, E. Cordos, S. Cadar, Plasma Generator.
  15. Bronze medal at the 14th edition of the international exhibition of inventions, scientific research and new technologies (Inventika 2010), for the invention: D. Petreus, E. Plaian, A. Grama, E. Cordos, S. Cadar. Generator de plasma (Plasma generator).
  16.  Silver Medal, International Warsaw Invetion Show, IWIS 2010, Association of Polish Inventors and Rationalizers, 22 october 2010, Warsaw, Poland, for the paper: D. Petreus, E. Cordos, A. Grama, S. Cadar, E. Plaian, Plasma Generator at Atmospheric Pressure and Low Power.
  17. Gold medal at International Warsaw Invetion Show, IWIS 2010, Association of Polish Inventors and Rationalizers, 2007, Poland, for: System for monotoring the progressive loading of lower limb in post-traumatic rehabilitation.
  18. Gold medal at the International Exhibition of Inventions from Geneva 2008, for the patent: System for monotoring the progressive loading of lower limb in post-traumatic rehabilitation.
  19. Gold medal at the International Exhibition of Inventions (Eureka) Bruxel 2007, for the patent: System for monotoring the progressive loading of lower limb in post-traumatic rehabilitation.
  20.  TUCN award for research results – Diploma of excellence in research, 2015.