Software development for design and control of microgrids with renewable energies
Keywords: Intelligent Microgrids, Renewable Energies, Control, Energy Management, SCADA
The main purpose of this thesis is the integration of renewable energies into cogeneration of electricity in an islanded microgrid. In order to obtain electricity at a cost-effective level, intelligent energy management is needed. The secondary aim of this thesis is to provide an innovative and complete energy management solution for the microgrid that monitors the loads, generates the required amount of energy and charges/discharges batteries in the proposed system. Another crucial problem in these power systems is to keep a reliable power balance between the consumption and the generation units.
The most important intention of this work is to contribute to the implementation of various applications that will be used in smart microgrids. The problem itself can be divided into three major parts:
1. Sizing algorithms of the microgrid
2. Control methods
3. Energy Management Techniques
The PhD thesis’ main contributions:
- Implementation of sizing algorithms for a microgrid
- Implementation of the sizing interface for a microgrid
- Developing prediction algorithms for solar irradiation
- Elaboration of the text-based communication algorithm
- Elaboration of the communication algorithm with its own functions
- Implementation of energy management algorithms based on predictive algorithms