- Diploma of excellence and gold medal at Inventica 2019 for Radu Arsinte and Dorin Petreus Amplifier for bipolar current pulses, in hybrid bridge topology with symmetrical drive, Iasi, Romania.
- Diploma and bronze medal at Bangkok International Intellectual Property, Invention and Technology Exposition 2019 for Radu Arsinte and Dorin Petreus, Bipolar current pulse amplifier in hybrid bridge with symmetrical control.
- Diploma and silver medal at EuroInvent 2019 for Radu Arsinte and Dorin Petreus, Amplifier for bipolar current pulses, in hybrid bridge topology with symmetrical drive.
- Diploma of excellence and gold medal with special mention at Proinvent 2017, for the paper: D. Petreus, E. Plaian, A. Grama, E. Cordos, S. Cadar, Generator de plasma de putere mica la presiune atmosferica (Low power plasma generator at atmospheric pressure).
- Diploma and gold medal at Infoinvent 2017, for the paper: D. Petreus, E. Plaian, A. Grama, E. Cordos, S. Cadar, Generator de plasma de putere mica la presiune atmosferica (Low power plasma generator at atmospheric pressure).
- Diploma and gold medal at Inventica 2017, for the paper: D. Petreus, E. Cordos, A. Grama, S. Cadar, E. Plaian, Plasma Generator at Atmospheric Pressure and Low Power.
- Diploma and gold medal at the International Exhibition of Inventions and Innovations „Traian Vuia” Tmisoara, 2017, for the invention: D. Petreus, E. Plaian, A. Grama, E. Cordos, S. Cadar, Generator de plasma de putere mica la presiune atmosferica (Low power plasma generator at atmospheric pressure).
- Diploma of excellence and gold medal at the International Exhibition of Inventions: Proinvent 2015, for the paper: D. Petreus, R. Etz, T. Patarau, T. Frentiu, E. Darvasi, S. Cadar, Metoda si dispozitiv electronic de control a temperaturii unui filament metalic prin masurare indirecta (Method and electronic device for temperature control of a metallic fillament through indirect measurement).
- Diploma of excellence and gold medal at the International Exhibition of Inventions: Proinvent 2015, for the paper: M. Suciu, E. Kiraly, E. Baru, M. Pascalau, D. Petreus, T. Patarau, R. Etz, Electrostimulator cu control digital pentru hidroterapie (Electrostimulator with digital control for hydrotherapy).
- Diploma of excellence from Moldavia Technical University 2015 for the paper: D. Petreus, R. Etz, T. Patarau, T. Frentiu, E. Darvasi, S. Cadar, Metoda si dispozitiv electronic de control a temperaturii unui filament metalic prin masurare indirecta (Method and electronic device for temperature control of a metallic fillament through indirect measurement).
- Gold medal at the International Exhibition of Inventions: European Exhibition of Creativity and Innovation – Euroinvent 2011, for the paper: D. Petreus, E. Cordos, A. Grama, S. Cadar, E. Plaian, Plasma Generator at Atmospheric Pressure and Low Power.
- Silver medal at the International Exhibition of Inventions: European Exhibition of Creativity and Innovation, Euroinvent 2011, for the paper: R. Arsinte, D. Petreus, Amplifier for bipolar current pulses, in hybrid bridge topology, with symmetrical drive.
- Gold medal at the International Exhibition of Inventions: Inventika 2011, for the paper: R. Arsinte, D. Petreus, Amplifier for bipolar current pulses, in hybrid bridge topology, with symmetrical drive.
- Silver medal at the International Exhibition of Inventions: Associoation of Polish Inventors and Rationalizers/Silver Medal at the 4th International Warsaw Invention Show, 2010, for: D. Petreus, E. Plaian, A. Grama, E. Cordos, S. Cadar, Plasma Generator.
- Bronze medal at the 14th edition of the international exhibition of inventions, scientific research and new technologies (Inventika 2010), for the invention: D. Petreus, E. Plaian, A. Grama, E. Cordos, S. Cadar. Generator de plasma (Plasma generator).
- Silver Medal, International Warsaw Invetion Show, IWIS 2010, Association of Polish Inventors and Rationalizers, 22 october 2010, Warsaw, Poland, for the paper: D. Petreus, E. Cordos, A. Grama, S. Cadar, E. Plaian, Plasma Generator at Atmospheric Pressure and Low Power.
- Gold medal at International Warsaw Invetion Show, IWIS 2010, Association of Polish Inventors and Rationalizers, 2007, Poland, for: System for monotoring the progressive loading of lower limb in post-traumatic rehabilitation.
- Gold medal at the International Exhibition of Inventions from Geneva 2008, for the patent: System for monotoring the progressive loading of lower limb in post-traumatic rehabilitation.
- Gold medal at the International Exhibition of Inventions (Eureka) Bruxel 2007, for the patent: System for monotoring the progressive loading of lower limb in post-traumatic rehabilitation.
- TUCN award for research results – Diploma of excellence in research, 2015.